How To Install Games On Arch Linux Wiki

How To Install Games On Arch Linux Wiki

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How to install Arch Linux Intro. I wrote this guide to help me anytime I need to install Arch Linux. This guide is specific to my needs and may not be good for.

Hello and welcome. Arch Linux is one of my favourite Linux distros.

It’s a rolling release which means there’s no new version to upgrade to. The installation process if kind of difficult for new Linux users.

But once you successfully installed Arch Linux on your computer, it’s actually easy to use. In this tutorial, I’m going to simulate a in virtualbox and install Arch Linux in it. Enable UEFI in Virtualbox First, create a virtualbox machine using virtualbox.

To enable UEFI, go to the settings window of your virtual machine. Select System on the left pane, then check Enable EFI and hit the OK button. Install Arch Linux with UEFI hardware in Virtualbox. You will be automatically logged in as the root user. Check if you can access Internet in this virtual machine. Ping -c6 If you install Arch Linux on a real hardware, you can use this command to connect to Wi-Fi networks.


Wifi-menu Set US keyboard as the keyboard layout: loadkeys us Now let’s configure the partition. I’m using only one virtual hard drive, so the name of virtual hard drive is /dev/sda. Since we install Arch Linux on UEFI hardware, it’s better to partition the disk in GPT and also an EFI system partition is required. Make a GPT style disk with parted partition editor. Parted /dev/sda mklabel gpt. You can confirm it’s a GPT disk using this command: parted /dev/sda -l Let parted use /dev/sda. Parted /dev/sda Then make a EFI system partition with 512MB space.

Partition type is set to primary. Mkpart primary fat32 2048s 1050624s Be aware that my virtual hard disk’s sector size is 512B both logically and physically.

You may need to adjust the above command. Check EFI system partition. Unit MiB print To make it a EFI system partition, we need to set boot flag on this partition. Set 1 boot on Now make a root partition. Mkpart primary ext4 1050625s 100% 100% means to use all of the available hardware space because I’m not making a swap partition. Now, exit out of parted partition editor. Q Format /dev/sda1 as fat16 partition and /dev/sda2 as ext4 partition mkfs -t fat /dev/sda1 mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sda2 Mount the root partition under /mnt.

Mount /dev/sda2 /mnt Make a boot directory on /dev/sda2 partition. Mkdir /mnt/boot Mount /dev/sda1 under /mnt/boot/ mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/ Select a mirror that is close to your location. Nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist To set your preferred mirror, copy that mirror address to the top of the mirror list.

I live in China so I selected a mirror in China as my preferred mirrot. Save and close this file. Now install Arch Linux base system. Pacstrap -i /mnt base Next, generate a /etc/fstab file.

Genfstab -U -p /mnt /mnt/etc/fstab Change root arch-chroot /mnt Generate locales. Nano /etc/locale.gen Find locales that you need and uncomment them. For example, I uncommmented enUS.UTF-8 UTF-8 and zhCN.UTF-8 UTF-8. Save the file. Generate /etc/locale.conf file and make enUS.UTF-8 as the default locale.

Do You Have To Install Games On Xbox One


Echo LANG=enUS.UTF-8 /etc/locale.conf export LANG=enUS.UTF-8 Set your time zone. I set Shanghai as my time zone. Ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime Enable eth0 network interface. Systemctl enable Install wireless-tools: pacman -S wirelesstools wpasupplicant wpaactiond dialog To connect to wireless networks, use this command: wifi-menu Enable wireless network interface. Systemctl enable net-auto-wireless.service Install network manager and related tools. Pacman -S networkmanager networkmanager-vpnc network-manager-applet networkmanager-pptp networkmanager-openconnect Enable network manager. Systemctl enable NetworkManager Configure pacman package manager.

Nano /etc/pacman.conf Find repositories section, core, extra, community repository is enabled by default. If your Arch Linux is 64 bit and you want to be able to install and run 32 bit software, you must enable multilib repository. To enable multilib repository, copy and paste the following two lines at the end of this file. multilib Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist Save and close this file.

Now update repositories. Pacman -Sy Set a password for the root user. Passwd root Create a standard user account. Replace with your preferred username.

Useradd -m -g users -G wheel,storage,power -s /bin/bash Set a password for this user. Passwd Install sudo utility pacman -S sudo Allow member of wheel group to use sudo. EDITOR=nano visudo Find this line. #%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL Remove the # sign and save this file. Install grub and efi boot manager pacman -S grub efibootmgr Install Grub boot loader to /dev/sda. Grub-install /dev/sda -target=x8664-efi -efi-directory=/boot Generate Grub configuration file.

How To Install Games On Iphone

Grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg Exit out of chroot environment. Exit Reboot virtual machine. You will be greeted by Grub2 boot menu. Login with the standard user. To change hostname: sudo hostnamectl set-hostname Install alsa-utils. Sudo pacman -S alsa-utils Start alsamixer sound configuration tool.

Alsamixer MM stands for mute. Press M key to unmute and use up and down arrow key to adjust sound volume. You must unmute Master and PCM.

Press ESC to exit out of sound configuration. Now enter this command to test sound. Speaker-test -c2 If you hear something, that means the sound system is working. Press Ctrl+C to stop sound test. Install X window system. Sudo pacman -S xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-server-utils Install mesa to enable 3D support. Sudo pacman -S mesa Check what graphics card your system has.

Lspci -k grep -A 2 -i 'VGA' If you have an integrated Intel graphics card, install intel open source graphics card driver. Sudo pacman -S xf86-video-intel If you have Nvidia graphics card, install Nvidia closed-source graphics driver. Sudo pacman -S nvidia lib32-nvidia-utils For ATI card: sudo pacman -S xf86-video-ati The vesa display driver works with most video cards.

Sudo pacman -S xf86-video-vesa I’m using the Virtualbox graphics adapter and I have to install this package. Sudo pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils Notebook users can install trackpad driver. Sudo pacman -S xf86-input-synaptic Install xorg test widget. Sudo pacman -S xorg-twm xorg-xclock xterm Use this command to test xorg. Startx If you can see the following 3 programs running, that means is working. Install font. Sudo pacman -S ttf-dejavu ttf-ubuntu-font-family Install xfce4 desktop environment sudo pacman -S xfce4 xfce4-goodies gamin firefox Before we start our xfce4 desktop encironment we need to copy xinitrc file to our home directory an edit it.

Cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc /.xinitrc nano /.xinitrc Comment out the last 5 lines and add this line at the end of this file. Exec startxfce4 Save and close the file. Now start X window system. Startx You should be able to enter into XFCE4 desktop. Install Slim Login Manager Instead of typing startx command every time, we can install a login manager such as Slim to enable us to automatically boot into graphical user interface. To install Slim login manager, execute this command: sudo pacman -S slim slim-themes Then enable Slim to auto-start when computer is power on.

Sudo systemctl enable slim.service Edit /etc/slim.conf to select a theme for our login manager. Sudo nano /etc/slim.conf Find this line: currenttheme default change it to this: currenttheme archlinux-simplyblack Save and close the file.

Reboot your Arch Linux computer, you will be greeted by the Slim login manager. Enable NTP time synchronization. Timedatectl set-ntp true Some common packages that you may like after you install Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S flashplugin vlc terminator htop parted gparted transmission-cli transmission-gtk wine wine-mono winegecko winetricks banshee Drop into the EFI Shell If your Arch Linux machine drop into an EFI shell, First enter the following command to add the Grub boot loader. Bcfg boot add 1 fs0:/EFI/arch/grubx64.efi 'Manually Added' Then exit Select Continue in the next screen and you will see the Grub boot menu. To prevent dropping into EFI shell in the future, once you boot into Arch Linux, run the following command to make Arch Linux Grub as the default boot loader. Sudo mkdir /boot/EFI/BOOT sudo cp /boot/EFI/arch/grubx64.efi /boot/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX86.EFI So that EFI can find the default boot loader. You can also create a startup.nsh script on the root of EFI system partition.

Sudo nano /boot/startup.nsh And put the following text into the shell script. Bcfg boot add 1 fs0:/EFI/arch/grubx64.efi 'Manually Added' exit So even if you drop into the EFI shell, you don’t need to manually execute these two command. It’s not easy for Linux beginners to install Arch Linux, but once you practice a little and make some notes, you will find it’s actually fun.

I would want to have to use avconv as much as I would want a toothpaste stain on my pants. By the time you try to install avconv you could 'pacman -S ffmpeg' and fix your script to use ffmpeg instead of neutered avconv (one reason why nobody around here uses avconv). It would have the added benefit of not having to maintain the special avconv package.and the benefit of not having to use avconv. Paste your script if you need suggestions or help doing so. Last edited by DrZaius (2016-07-13 00:45:49).

How To Install Games On Arch Linux Wiki